Warcraft 3 voice actors
Warcraft 3 voice actors

Then I saw the trailer and was surprised that you changed his voice from Justin Gross to the new one, Patrick Seitz. Warcraft III: Reforged is a remastered edition of the 2002 real-time strategy video game Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and its expansion The Frozen Throne.Released on January 28, 2020, it adds revamped graphics, an altered campaign, and modern online features. I understand that voice actors need to change depending on different situations, but not the ones who already did an amazing job and belong in the original game. There will be an option to play the old, low graphics and old VO campaign in the game.i want an option to do the new HD campaign with the old voiceovers.

warcraft 3 voice actors

Death Knight Male Hero Voice Over - Warcraft 3 Reforged #Warcraft3Reforged #Warcraft3. Discussion For example, in The Culling trailer Arthas is voiced by Patrick Seitz (who has voiced hin from Wrath of the Lich King onward), but in the demo he is voiced by Justin Gross. In places, as if Uther’s boot was pushing him, he squeezed himself out “For Lordaeron.” Arthas got a voice that his father never dreamed of. Number of Comparisons: 2 Franchise: Warcraft Arthas Menethil was a human Paladin who turned into a Death Knight and then merged with the Lich King. Characters and Voice Actors - Warcraft 3. Matt Morris, senior 2 game designer on Warcraft 3 Reforged, told me the team backed away from retconning the story to WoW because fans wanted to hear the original voice actors and sound effects. I’ve been a huge Arthas fan ever since I played wc3 all those years ago and it made me so happy to see the stratholme gameplay and it all looked so amazing. Don’t know if it is only the effect in the voice but sound so much better.

warcraft 3 voice actors

In the end, I don't mind too much, but if they just switch some voices and keep other voicelines, then it's a bit odd, possibly disrespectful.

warcraft 3 voice actors

After all, Kerrigan switched voice actor, as did Fenix. Characters and Voice Actors - Warcraft 3 - Duration: 6:31. Arthas Menethil Comparison of the voice actors who have been the voice of Arthas Menethil with sound clips and images. Jaina is voiced by Laura Bailey these days, but not in Warcraft 3 or in Reforged (at least not yet, might be they're not done re-recording lines yet).

Warcraft 3 voice actors